Hereditary cancers occur as a result of inherited genetic dispositions passed from parent to child.  About 10% of cancer diagnoses qualify as heredita | Cancer ...
Scientists have identified a gene that can significantly increase the risk of Parkinson's disease. | Genetics And Genomics ...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is crucial to delivering free weather information to the United States... | Earth And The Environment ...
New research published in the journal Neurology has shown that people who experience chronic stress may be at higher risk of ...
Researchers have developed a compound that mimics the pain-relieving effects of a molecule found in the cannabis plant without causing addiction. | Cannabis Sciences ...
How can medical cannabis help treat patients over 50 years old with a variety of age-related health issues? This is what a ...
Children exposed to cannabis in the womb are over three times more likely to develop behavioral problems than non-exposed peers. | Cannabis Sciences ...
A new preliminary study that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 77th Annual Meeting suggests that people who get more moderate-to-vigorous physical activity are less likely to ...
What impacts have climate change mitigation strategies had on the ozone layer? This is what a recent study published in ...
How does a planet’s size influence its orbit around its parent star? This is what a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy | Space ...
Strep A is a bacterial infection that can infect both children and adults. Worldwide, 750 million people are affected by ...
Cancer affects millions of individuals and their loved ones each year. Both hematologic or blood cancers, and solid tumors can have fatal outcomes. Fortuna | Immunology ...