Since restoring their independence, the Baltic states have focused on pursuing historical justice related to Soviet crimes, which included widespread ...
News and has a distinguished career working for some of the most respected media organizations in the United States. She also is President and CEO of the World Affairs Council of Harrisburg, an ...
For nearly a century, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Taiwan have largely avoided direct military confrontations across the Taiwan Strait. However, ...
Although NATO has survived - and even thrived - for over 75 years, its future looks more uncertain now than at perhaps any other time. The Alliance confronts ...
Luxembourg Times in August 2023 after having previously worked for the publication as a political journalist. She began her career in journalism after graduating from the University of St. Andrews in ...
Turkey is not the largest power interested in Africa. Its economic engagement, arms sales, and foreign aid are dwarfed by one or more of the major powers.
Pulitzer Prize–winning historian Walter A. McDougall argues powerfully that a pervasive but radically changing faith that “God is on our side” has inspired U.S. foreign policy ever since 1776. The ...
Over the last decade, the U.S., UK Israel and other states have begun to use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for military operations and for targeted killings in places like Pakistan, Yemen and ...
In the early 2000s, Russia and China had heeded US preferences regarding the Korean Peninsula by engaging in multilateralism with the Six-Party Talks to deal ...
Tensions are rising across the Atlantic, and the rhetoric is heating up. For months, Europe has been bracing for the worst, which is how most European leaders ...