How can health care organizations effectively integrate AI to enhance workforce efficiency and improve patient care through ...
Kathleen Lee, Associate Chief Transformation Officer at Penn Medicine, with the Center for Health Care Transformation and Innovation, discusses how Penn Medicine leverages embedded, agile teams to ...
In the face of labor shortages and growing demands, how can leadership and culture drive workforce retention and success in ...
How can we redefine the health care workforce to include informal caregivers, such as family and friends, and empower them ...
How do you lead a cultural transformation that empowers your workforce, enhances engagement, and positions your organization ...
Results of a multiyear pilot study at the National Heart Centre Singapore show that its Local Area Coordination Empowerment ...
Kaiser Permanente uses a shared electronic health record to leverage access to cancer subspecialists across all its regions.
A community tele-paramedicine program, which uses nurse care managers and community paramedics, increased access to ...