Mountain lions can easily jump 6' fences. Watch as this mountain lion makes the leap into a homeowner's backyard.
Although grizzly bears are definitely not animals you want to mess with, this bold bald eagle goes straight for the bear's ...
This viral video captures a seemingly frozen iguana brought back to life. But was the iguana truly "frozen"? And how exactly did this happen?
Horses, fascinating and powerful mammals, have historically been a significant part of human civilization for thousands of ...
Welcome to our eye-opening video on the places in the United States with the highest rat populations. Join us as we uncover ...
Do elephants and hippos get along? Watch what happens when a herd of elephants encounters a sleeping group of hippos.
You’ve seen classic cartoons where a character like Bugs Bunny (dressed as a bull fighter) waves a red cloth in front of a bull, who in turn snorts and stamps its feet in anger. Does the color red ...
Sharks have ruled the ocean waters for over 400 million years. There are more than 500 species of these fierce predators living today. Some people think sharks are mammals, but they are not. Sharks ...
Two-thirds of crops around the globe are dependent on pollinators for survival. Pollinators are insects or animals that transfer pollen between female and male flower parts. Common pollinators include ...
The Coliseum in Rome once held extravagant and violent sporting events, playing host to gladiators and other types of warriors. Established in 80 CE, the Coliseum wasn’t the only place that ...
Welcome to the “Which Type of Insect Are You?” quiz! Insects are some of the most fascinating and diverse creatures on the planet, with millions of different species found in every corner of the world ...