Does anyone see the irony — or is it hypocrisy — in the Rev. Michael Pfleger criticizing President Donald Trump?
A campaign for these descendants to live on the island has been met with decades of resistance by the Japanese government The ...
William "Buck" Myers reunited with a fellow veteran in 2005 and continues to keep his memory alive on the 80th anniversary of ...
Columbia leaders and military members gathered Friday to commemorate the death of World War II veteran John Harlan Willis 80 ...
Tempe-based apparel brand Dixxon Flannel Co. recently announced its newest limited flannel line that honors and celebrates ...
Yes, this is the 80th anniversary of the World War II Battle of Iwo Jima. This island was critical in the war against fanatic Japanese. Victory took over five weeks – Feb. 19-March 26. The cost taken ...
February 19th was the 80th anniversary of the invasion of Iwo Jima. A godawful experience for those involved as it was the only battle in the Pacific where America lost ...
The last several years have featured milestone anniversaries for some of the fiercest and most memorable events of World War II including the attack on Pearl Harbor, D-Day, and the ...
From Trump proclamation: "Five days into the conflict, six Marines ascended the island’s highest peak and hoisted Old Glory ...