Meta said it laid off 20 workers for leaking info to the media, as it faces pressure over the recent political shift of its ...
The company added, “We recently conducted an investigation that resulted in roughly 20 employees being terminated for sharing ...
Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and especially Elon Musk have pivoted to manage their companies in ways that are more aligned ...
The social media giant’s decision to replace third-party fact checkers with a user-generated community notes system has been ...
Donald Trump is threatening Europe on behalf of Big Tech.Donald Trump is also telling Big Tech to watch its step.Does Trump ...
Melania Trump is heading to Capitol Hill on Monday for a roundtable discussion with members of Congress and others on a bill ...
Meta may seek President Trump's help if targeted unfairly by EU digital regulations, says Joel Kaplan. The company faces €2 ...
The European Union’s resolve to take on the might of Silicon Valley is set to be tested to the limit after Donald Trump ...
Zuckerberg highlighted the problem of company leaks during an all-hands meeting last month. Ironically, his rant leaked online almost immediately.
The post EU to continue investigation into Apple & Meta despite Trump's criticisms appeared first on Android Headlines.
TheStreet on MSN3d
Meta to release new AI app
TheStreet’s Conway Gittens brings you the biggest news of the day, including how Meta is making itself heard in the AI race.