Agriculture Minister Ivan Meyer on Tuesday welcomed the lifting of the ban on vegetable exports to Botswana ...
Insecurity and horrific sexual violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have left tens of thousands fleeing across borders with no sign of the exodus stopping, the UN refugee ...
Armed men are raping and sexually assaulting children, including infants as young as one, amid the nationwide conflict rippling across Sudan ...
The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and partners in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are providing lifesaving clean water supplies to 700,000 people a day – around 364,000 of them childr ...
As 120 conflicts rage around the world from the DR Congo to Gaza and from Sudan to Ukraine, UN human rights chief Volker Türk on Monday urged the international community to step up to defend fund ...
The booming ocean economy sustains hundreds of millions of people, but it is being squeezed dry by overfishing, pollution, climate change and waste, UN economists warned on Monday, in a call for smart ...
واغادوغو-بوركينا فاسو(بانا)- صرح الرئيس البوركيني، النقيب إبراهيم تراوري، أمس الاثنين في واغادوغو، أن تحالف دول الساحل المكون ...
نيويورك-الولايات المتحدة(بانا)- تفيد تقارير أن رجالا مسلحين يقومون باغتصاب أطفال والاعتداء عليهم جنسيا، وبعضهم رضعا لا تتجاوز ...
جوهانسبورغ-جنوب أفريقيا(بانا)- طالب المهاجرون الزيمبابويون في جنوب إفريقيا، حكومة بلادهم يوم الاثنين، بتسريع برنامج استعج ...