Pope Francis experienced an "isolated episode of bronchospasm" on Friday, Feb. 28, the Vatican announced in its latest health ...
The Vatican’s diplomatic influence has long been rooted in its moral authority and its prominent role within international ...
In the remote village of Chegera, near Bukavu, at least 26 women were raped as Congolese troops and their allies retreated in ...
How can we take into account both the cultural and socioeconomic realities that revolve around borders? This is the question ...
The Vatican’s diplomatic influence has long been rooted in its moral authority and its prominent role within international institutions. But as these institutions weaken, the Holy See may need to ...
Alors qu’une réunion ministérielle conjointe de la Communauté de développement d’Afrique australe (SADC) et de la Communauté ...
Le premier ministre britannique Keir Starmer a convié, vendredi 28février 2025, plus d’une douzaine de dirigeants à un sommet ...
«La nuit s’est déroulée dans le calme» pour le pape François, a indiqué le Vatican vendredi 28février dans la matinée. La ...
Le 5mars, les chrétiens débutent le Carême, ces quarante jours de préparation à la célébration de Pâques. Une tradition qui remonte aux premiers siècles de l’Église.
Interview.For journalist and author Michel Cool, Pope Francis' hospitalization has created unease among Catholics, amplified ...
Pope Francis’ clinical condition continues to improve, the Vatican announced February 27. The health bulletin stated that the ...
The Spanish Catholic Church announced February 27 that it has put in place its mechanism for compensating victims of sexual ...