The Vatican said Francis, 88, who has been hospitalized for pneumonia, was responding well to treatment and that it was too ...
The Vatican says the "criticality" of Pope Francis health condition "has subsided for the moment," but he's still ...
The pope suffered an "isolated attack of bronchospasm" which caused vomiting with inhalation, the Vatican said on Friday.
The Vatican announced Saturday that Pope Francis, 88, is in critical condition after a long asthmatic respiratory crisis. The ...
Time-honored rituals, drafted and refined over centuries, allow time for mourning and provide order at a dramatic moment of ...
Pope Francis has shown further slight improvement as he battles double pneumonia, but doctors said Wednesday his prognosis is ...
The Vatican, though, made alternative plans for Ash Wednesday next week, making clear Francis still had a long road ahead.
After two weeks in the hospital, the Supreme Pontiff was put on a ventilator following suffering a sudden respiratory episode ...