A deep-pocketed ruling class is a big problem not just in America, but in the world at large, Sanders tells Rekha Basu.
Politics / The senator is on the road explaining exactly what happens when the richest man in the world starts buying power.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he would take his rallies against Trump and his billionaire allies to Michigan and Wisconsin ...
These estimates reflect an analysis of the legislation conducted by the Social Security Administration at the request of Sen. Sanders in 2023.
Vermont’s congressional delegation is inviting the public to join a state-wide telephone town meeting Wednesday. Senator ...
The Vermont Congressional delegation took a variety of questions from residents across Vermont, all concerning Trump ...
IOWA CITY — Hundreds of people packed the Englert Theatre Saturday morning to hear U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, of Vermont, ...
The Vermont Congressional delegation took a variety of questions from residents across Vermont, all concerning Trump ...
The state-wide gathering, hosted by Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Peter Welch and Representative Becca Balint, came a day ...
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders warned the packed Englert Theater about encroaching Trumpism, oligarchy, and authoritarianism at a ...
Sanders’ tour targets areas won by former President Biden in 2020, but which swayed towards republican candidates in 2024.
U.S. Sen Bernie Sanders kicked off his “Fighting Oligarchy” nationwide tour in Omaha Friday night, drawing an overflow crowd ...