A spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry today in a speech about the controversial visit of the Ukrainian president to ...
CNN said in a report that Russia and China are trying to attract the fired staff of the new US government working in the ...
The narrow border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, known as "Philadelphia", has recently received much attention.
Hamas’s statement says: We emphasize that the fascist army attacks of the Zionist regime in the West Bank and the organized ...
reports Mehr News Agency White House National Security said in an interview with Fox News on Saturday: “Zelnski” should have ...
Hamas reacted to the occupiers' actions to limit the access of Palestinian worshipers to the al -Aqsa mosque during Ramadan.
About five Iraqi Peshmerga forces gathered in Baghdad's al -Tahrir Square and declared separation from the climate calling ...
reports Mehr News Agency Speaking on Saturday, the German Foreign Minister said: “We must respect all the unions and ...
The deputy head of the Russian Security Council said in a speech today: "There is no proper negotiator in Ukraine." ...
A member of the Library of Resistance in the Lebanese parliament said the continued military presence of the Zionist enemy in ...
News sources have reported clashes between Palestinian youth and the occupation army in Qasra town in Nablus in the West Bank ...
The fall of avalanches on a highway near the Indian -China border resulted in the killing of at least four people.