The Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared likely to block a $10 billion lawsuit brought by Mexico against major U.S. gun ...
Mexico’s effort to target illegal cross-border gun trafficking via U.S. courts might be over before it could start.
Mexico argues it should be allowed to sue American gunmakers for their weapons being smuggled into the country and used by ...
The Supreme Court sided with San Francisco on Tuesday in its challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A ...
The U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling on Tuesday that strikes down some rule that allowed the Environmental Protection ...
The 5-to-4 decision is the latest setback for the agency and could have sweeping implications for curtailing water pollution ...
The Supreme Court's conservative majority ruled for San Francisco in limiting the power of environmental regulators to ...
The court rarely sides with death row inmates, so this rebuke to dishonest prosecutors is a remarkable victory in the fight ...
We adults have messed up the world for you,” U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor tells students at Miami Dade College.
The Obama-appointed Supreme Court justice was speaking at an event in Florida, where she also said that the courts must act ...
Tuesday that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rules for the city of San Francisco under the Clean Water Act are ...